Alles super?

It must have been seven or eight years ago. Those summers seemed endless and very intense and I loved spending them with my good friend. I was relatively new in town back then and there was just so much to discover. We often met up for coffee at Galão's, enjoyed the sun and observed the surroundings or just met for pasta and red wine at my place. We talked a lot – about the past, about the future and we obviously talked about photography, our beloved subject.

In spring 2011 I had the idea to create SUPERAGENT. I had some of my work just published in a book and was ready for more. I told my friend about this idea and he responded excited and got on board right away. Now, three years later SUPERAGENT goes finally online. I’m extremely happy, that my good friend is part of this project. Summertime is approaching fast and I still have the same feelings that made my first summers in this city so special – epic adventures, great experiences, PASSION!

Das wird super! 

Check out SUPERAGENT. On this page you’ll find selected works from fellow artist, international working photographers and illustrators. It’s worth to have a look at all of those portfolios, all handpicked and unique. For more information click here

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